lundi, février 24, 2025

Les débuts compliqués de FIFA

Il y a 20 ans sortait le tout premier jeu vidéo FIFA. Depuis, la franchise d’EA Sports s’est vendue à plus de 100 millions d’exemplaires et est désormais devenue une référence dans son domaine. Mais comment tout a débuté? Pourquoi l’éditeur américain s’est intéressé à ce sport très européen? MCVUK raconte la genèse de Fifa dans un article une nouvelle fois passionnant.

Voici deux extraits :

EA didn’t care about FIFA, or soccer at all for that matter. The US publisher had no interest in a sport that was practically non-existent in its home country. […] “I said that we should be in the worldwide football business. But when I first said that, EA was like: ‘well we are already in the football business with Madden.’ I said: ‘No, I mean proper football’.”

This was a time where our budget was in the $50,000 or $100,000 region, so these were small budgets. If it was millions we would’ve been killed immediately. There was no way we could have justified that kind of expense. We were small enough to not really get noticed but I remember several meetings where people would say ‘Didn’t we already kill this game?’

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